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Richmond Dinner Menu (5:00pm-11:30pm)

BBQ Skewers 绝味烧烤

Premium AAA Angus Beef 安格斯霜降肥牛串  image

Premium AAA Angus Beef 安格斯霜降肥牛串

min.4 Skewers 4串起

Deluxe Beef 绝味牛肉小串  image

Deluxe Beef 绝味牛肉小串

min.5 Skewers 5串起

Sliced Fatty Beef Roll with Cilantro 特级肥牛香菜卷 image

Sliced Fatty Beef Roll with Cilantro 特级肥牛香菜卷

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Xinjiang Jumbo Lamb 红柳木羊肉大串  image

Xinjiang Jumbo Lamb 红柳木羊肉大串

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Premium Lamb  大漠羊肉串 image

Premium Lamb 大漠羊肉串

min.4 Skewers 4串起

Deluxe Lamb 特级原味羊肉小串 image

Deluxe Lamb 特级原味羊肉小串

min.5 Skewers 5串起

Lamb Kidney 包油羊腰  image

Lamb Kidney 包油羊腰

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Pork Neck Meat 猪颈肉 image

Pork Neck Meat 猪颈肉

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Diced Pork Belly 绝味小五花  image

Diced Pork Belly 绝味小五花

min.4 Skewers 4串起

Pork Kidney 望京小腰  image

Pork Kidney 望京小腰

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Pig Intestine 脆皮猪大肠 image

Pig Intestine 脆皮猪大肠

min.3 Skewers 3串起

BBQ Sausage 传统街边烤香肠  image

BBQ Sausage 传统街边烤香肠

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Crispy Chicken Cartilage 烤鸡脆骨  image

Crispy Chicken Cartilage 烤鸡脆骨

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Chicken with Pineapple & Black Pepper 黑椒菠萝鸡肉串  image

Chicken with Pineapple & Black Pepper 黑椒菠萝鸡肉串

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Chicken Wings 舔指绝味鸡中翅(2只) image

Chicken Wings 舔指绝味鸡中翅(2只)

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Chicken Heart 烤鸡心 image

Chicken Heart 烤鸡心

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Must Spicy

Deep Fried Skewers | 炸串

 Deep Fried Sliced Beef 烈火牛肉小串  image

Deep Fried Sliced Beef 烈火牛肉小串

10串/份 10swekers/order

Must Spicy
Deep Fried Sliced Chicken 炸里脊肉串  image

Deep Fried Sliced Chicken 炸里脊肉串

4串/份 4 swekers/order

Must Spicy
Deep Fried Thin Chicken Fillet 酱香炸鸡柳 image

Deep Fried Thin Chicken Fillet 酱香炸鸡柳

10串/份 10swekers/order

Must Spicy

BBQ Seafood | 海鲜烧烤

Minced Shrimp Stuffed in Jalapeno Pepper 青椒烤虾滑  image

Minced Shrimp Stuffed in Jalapeno Pepper 青椒烤虾滑

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Morel Stuffed with Minced Shrimp  炭烤羊肚菌釀虾滑 image

Morel Stuffed with Minced Shrimp 炭烤羊肚菌釀虾滑

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Must Spicy
Jumbo Scallop with Garlic Sauce 蒜蓉粉丝烤扇贝 image

Jumbo Scallop with Garlic Sauce 蒜蓉粉丝烤扇贝

min.2 pcs 2只起

Oyster (Garlic/Chili Sauce) 烤生蚝 (蒜蓉/香辣) image

Oyster (Garlic/Chili Sauce) 烤生蚝 (蒜蓉/香辣)

min.2 pcs 2只起

BBQ Eel 炭烤酱香鳗鱼 image

BBQ Eel 炭烤酱香鳗鱼

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Mussels in Wasabi Creamy Sauce 炭烤芥末青口   image

Mussels in Wasabi Creamy Sauce 炭烤芥末青口

min.4 pcs 4只起

Must Spicy

BBQ Vegetarian | 烤素菜

Baked Thick Toast with Creamy Sugar 烤奶酥面包 image

Baked Thick Toast with Creamy Sugar 烤奶酥面包

Eggplant with Garlic Sauce 蒜蓉烤茄子 image

Eggplant with Garlic Sauce 蒜蓉烤茄子

Green Chives 烤韭菜  image

Green Chives 烤韭菜

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Must Spicy
 Taiwanese Cauliflower 烤菜花 image

Taiwanese Cauliflower 烤菜花

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Must Spicy
BBQ Stinky Tofu & Dried Tofu 烤臭豆腐  image

BBQ Stinky Tofu & Dried Tofu 烤臭豆腐

min.3 Skewers 3串起

Must Spicy
Bean Curd Skin 烤豆皮  image

Bean Curd Skin 烤豆皮

min.2 Skewers 2串起

Must Spicy
Cheese Corn 乳酪烤玉米 image

Cheese Corn 乳酪烤玉米

min.2 Skewers 2串起

BBQ Aluminum Box | 碳烤锡盒

Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen with Cheese 芝士火鸡面  image

Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen with Cheese 芝士火鸡面

Must Spicy
Butter Corn 黄油玉米粒 image

Butter Corn 黄油玉米粒

Enoki-Mushroom with Butter 黄油金针菇 image

Enoki-Mushroom with Butter 黄油金针菇

Spicy Assorted Meat 锡盒毛血旺 image

Spicy Assorted Meat 锡盒毛血旺

Must Spicy

Hot & Spicy Marinated | 招牌辣卤小卖部

 A. Chicken Feet 虎皮鸡爪 image

A. Chicken Feet 虎皮鸡爪

Must Spicy
B. Beef Tripe卤牛肚  image

B. Beef Tripe卤牛肚

Must Spicy
C. Beef Tendon 卤牛筋  image

C. Beef Tendon 卤牛筋

Must Spicy
D. Pig Intestine 卤肥肠  image

D. Pig Intestine 卤肥肠

Must Spicy
E. Sliced Lotus Root 莲藕片 image

E. Sliced Lotus Root 莲藕片

Must Spicy
Combination Platter 卤味拼盘 (以上五拼) image

Combination Platter 卤味拼盘 (以上五拼)

Must Spicy

Marinated Sashimi Skewers | 生腌小串

Marinated Salmon Sashimi 生腌三文鱼  image

Marinated Salmon Sashimi 生腌三文鱼

min.4 Skewers 4串起

Must Spicy
Marinated Hokkigai 生腌北极贝  image

Marinated Hokkigai 生腌北极贝

min.4 Skewers 4串起

Must Spicy

Appetizers/ Cold Plates | 凉菜

A. Spicy Manila Clam 捞汁花蛤 image

A. Spicy Manila Clam 捞汁花蛤

Must Spicy
B. Marinated Shredded Jellyfish with Black Vinegar 小清新陈醋海蜇皮 image

B. Marinated Shredded Jellyfish with Black Vinegar 小清新陈醋海蜇皮

C. Marinated Stem with Chili Sauce 凉拌脆口贡菜 image

C. Marinated Stem with Chili Sauce 凉拌脆口贡菜

Must Spicy
D. Bitter Melon Pickeled in Dried Plum Juice 冰镇桂花蜜话梅苦瓜  image

D. Bitter Melon Pickeled in Dried Plum Juice 冰镇桂花蜜话梅苦瓜

E. Marinated Sliced Lotus 馋嘴脆藕片 image

E. Marinated Sliced Lotus 馋嘴脆藕片

Must Spicy
F. Marinated Cucumber with Garlic 拍黄瓜 image

F. Marinated Cucumber with Garlic 拍黄瓜

G. Peanut with Black Vinegar 老醋花生 image

G. Peanut with Black Vinegar 老醋花生

H. Chicken Feet with Chili Pickled Pepper 泡椒凤爪 image

H. Chicken Feet with Chili Pickled Pepper 泡椒凤爪

Must Spicy
I. Marinated Bean Cake with Preserved Egg & Green Onion 小葱拌豆腐 image

I. Marinated Bean Cake with Preserved Egg & Green Onion 小葱拌豆腐

J. Assorted Organic Vegetable Salad 田园大拌菜 image

J. Assorted Organic Vegetable Salad 田园大拌菜

K. Marinated Black Fungus 凉拌小木耳 image

K. Marinated Black Fungus 凉拌小木耳


Deep Fried Snacks | 炸物

Fried Squid Tentacles 椒盐鱿鱼须 image

Fried Squid Tentacles 椒盐鱿鱼须

Fried Chicken Skin 香酥炸鸡皮 image

Fried Chicken Skin 香酥炸鸡皮

Fries with Truffle Aioli 酒馆炸薯条(配松露酱) image

Fries with Truffle Aioli 酒馆炸薯条(配松露酱)

Crispy Chicken Cartilage with Salt & Pepper 椒盐鸡脆骨  image

Crispy Chicken Cartilage with Salt & Pepper 椒盐鸡脆骨

Deep Fried Crispy Fish Skin with Salted Egg York 金沙炸鱼皮 image

Deep Fried Crispy Fish Skin with Salted Egg York 金沙炸鱼皮

Must Spicy
Fried Stinky Tofu 特色炸臭豆腐 image

Fried Stinky Tofu 特色炸臭豆腐

Must Spicy

Tasty Signature | 小酒馆镇店菜

Braised Fish Head & Pancake 招牌鱼头泡饼 image

Braised Fish Head & Pancake 招牌鱼头泡饼

House Special Fish with Preserved Vegetable 特色酸菜鱼 image

House Special Fish with Preserved Vegetable 特色酸菜鱼

Must Spicy
Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Nuts & Pepper 宫爆鸡丁 image

Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Nuts & Pepper 宫爆鸡丁

Must Spicy
Deep Fried Pork Knuckles with Sichuan Pepper 花椒脆皮助手 image

Deep Fried Pork Knuckles with Sichuan Pepper 花椒脆皮助手

Must Spicy
Braised Pork Belly with Brown Sauce 小碗东坡肉 image

Braised Pork Belly with Brown Sauce 小碗东坡肉

Braised Assorted Meat 卤煮火烧 image

Braised Assorted Meat 卤煮火烧

Must Spicy
Grilled Beef with Scallion & Onion 老北京炙子烤肉(牛肉) image

Grilled Beef with Scallion & Onion 老北京炙子烤肉(牛肉)

Stir-Fried Shredded Lamb Tripe 爆炒羊肚丝 image

Stir-Fried Shredded Lamb Tripe 爆炒羊肚丝

Pan Fried Bull Frog with Chili & Onion 干锅牛蛙 image

Pan Fried Bull Frog with Chili & Onion 干锅牛蛙

Must Spicy